Friday, November 14, 2014


Did you know?

You can use polinomials to interpolate unknown values. Try to discover a little more:

  • What is interpolation used for?
  • Which is the simplest interpolation that can be made?
  • Here you have an image of the first time that the word "interpolation" was used in a mathematical sense. Who used this word for the first time?
Time Goal: November 20th.


  1. -Interpolation is data points as a polynomial function.Get new on the basis of a set of points points.
    -Linear interpolation method is more simple.It is used for graphics generation programs.
    -The word ¨interpolacion¨ was used for the first time by Charles Hermite. That is called also Hermite interpolation.

  2. 1. In the mathematical field of numerical analysis, interpolation is a method of constructing new data points within the range of a discrete set of known data points.
    2. The simplest interpolation that we can made is the lineal interpolation.
    3. The first time that interpolation was used in mathematical sense was by Newton.
    Cristina Macho Reyes 4ºESO C

  3. 1.- interpolation is a method of constructing new data points within the range of a discrete set of known data points.
    2.- is the lineal.
    3.- the grecian.
    Mª José Ruiz.

  4. Thanks to the three of you!!! I don't want you to copy anything, but to understand the meaning and trying to use your own words, anyway good job. I'll tell you more about interpolation in class.
