Tomb of Pope Gregory XIII celebrating the introduction of the Gregorian calendar |
How many calendars do you know. What is the year in those calendars. Find as many as you can and write them on comments using your full name, and say what is the year. If you find something interesting, please let us know. For example:
Gregorian calendar, 2012. It's the internationally accepted civil calendar, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII, etc.
Samuel Ramírez Díaz 2ºESO B
ReplyDeleteThe Roman calendar. According to Roman tradition, the mythical origin of the old system to divide the time was due the first of the kings, Romulus. Was used in ancient Rome to 46 a. C. with the implementation of the Julian calendar.
The Gregorian calendar is a calendar originated in Europe, currently used officially almost worldwide. So called because its promoter Pope Gregory XIII, in 1582 came to replace the Julian calendar, used since Julius Caesar introduced in the year 46 a. C.
The Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar calendar, that is, based on both the cycle of the Earth around the Sun (year), and in that of the moon to around the Earth (month). It was completed by the wise Hillel II around the year 359.
The Mayan calendar consists of three different time accounts, which take place simultaneously:
the sacred calendar (tzolkin or bucxok, 260 days)
the civil (Haab of 365 days)
the long count.
The Mayan calendar is cyclical, it is repeated every 52 years Maya. In the long count, the computation time began 4 Ahau day, or 8 Cumku (Mayan notation) equivalent, according to generally accepted correlation, 1 to August 13, 3114 a. C. in the Gregorian calendar
The Julian calendar is the ancestor of the Gregorian calendar and is based on the apparent motion of the sun to measure time. Since its introduction in the 46 a. C., was gradually adopted in European countries and their colonies until the introduction of the Gregorian Reform of Pope Gregorio XIII in 1582. However, in Orthodox countries until the beginning of the twentieth century in Bulgaria until 1917, in Russia until 1918, Romania until 1919 and Greece until 1923. Although in their countries the Gregorian calendar is the official, today the Orthodox churches (except Finland) still use the Julian calendar (or modifications of it than the Gregorian calendar) to calculate the date of Easter.
Ya no pongo más.
Chinese calendar: It´s origin is about yellow emperor in 2637 a c. And this calendar has any year a different simbol related to animals.
ReplyDeleteMaya calendar: it consist in three differents types of count time: the holy calendar, the civil calendar and the long calculation.Mayas priest were known of astronomy and they could know the human destiny.The end of this calendar is on 21 December 2012.
Moon calendar:2012, Moon calendar is the way to calculate years according to the moon cycle. A moon month is the same if we say 29.53 solar days.
Roman calendar: the origin of the ancient system to divide the time was caused by the first king Rómulo. It was used until 46 a. c. They took for reference the Roman fundation´s year.The months were in honour of gods like martius in honour to mars.
Hebrew calendar: it is a calendar based in the earth cycle and in the moon cycle. The actual version ended in 359 by Hilel II. This calendar can predict the exact date of new moon.
Julian calendar: it calendar is based in the apparent movement of the sun to calculate the time. It was keep in the european countries until gregorian reform and in other orthodox religious´countries until XX century.
Christian calendar: it is used by christian to govern the different periods of the spiritual life. Advent eve, Christmas eve, first part of the ordinary time, lent eve, paschal eve, second part of the ordinary time.
Rafael Arroyo García 2ºB:Los Mayas poseían dos tipos de calendarios:El calendario de 260 días que aparece en Monte Albán alrededor del 600 a. de C. Este calendario consiste en 20 nombres de días alternando con los numerales del 1 al 13. Llamado Tzolk’in y el calendario de 365 días que se forma alternando 18 nombres de meses con los numerales de 0 al 19, lo que da un total de 360 días, que se completan con 5 días llamados Uayeb, sin nombre.Recibía el nombre de Haab.
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ReplyDeleteThe Gaulish Coligny calendar is possibly the oldest Celtic solar/lunar ritual calendar. It was discovered in Coligny, France, and is now on display in the Palais des Arts Gallo-Roman museum, Lyon. It dates from the end of the 2nd century C.E.,[2] when the Roman Empire imposed[citation needed] use of the Julian Calendar in Roman Gaul. The calendar is made up of bronze fragments, in a single huge plate. It is inscribed in Gaulish with Latin characters and uses roman numerals.
The Coligny Calendar is an attempt to reconcile both the cycles of the moon and sun, as is the modern Gregorian calendar. However, the Coligny calendar considers the phases of the moon to be important, and each month always begins with the same moon phase. The calendar uses a mathematical arrangement to keep a normal 12 month calendar in sync with the moon and keeps the whole system in sync by adding an intercalary month every 2½ years. The Coligny calendar registers a five-year cycle of 62 lunar months, divided into a "bright" and a "dark" fortnight (or half a moon cycle) each. The months were possibly taken to begin at full moon, and a 13th intercalary month was added every two and a half years to align the lunations with the solar year.
The astronomical format of the calendar year that the Coligny calendar represents may well be far older, as calendars are usually even more conservative than rites and cults. The date of its inception is unknown, but correspondences of Insular Celtic and Continental Celtic calendars suggest that some early form may date to Proto-Celtic times, roughly 800 B.C.E. The Coligny calendar achieves a complex synchronization of the solar and lunar months. Whether it does this for philosophical or practical reasons, it points to considerable degree of sophistication.
The Iranian calendars or sometimes called Persian calendars (Persian: گاهشماری ایرانی Gâhšomâri-ye Irâni) are a succession of calendars invented or used for over two millennia in Greater Iran. One of the longest chronological records in human history, the Iranian calendar has been modified time and again during its history to suit administrative, climatic, and religious purposes.
The modern Iranian calendar (Solar Hejri) is now the official calendar in Iran and Afghanistan. It begins on the vernal equinox as determined by astronomical calculations for the Iran Standard Time meridian (52.5°E or GMT+3.5h). This determination of starting moment is more accurate than the Gregorian calendar as far as predicting the date of the vernal equinox is concerned because it uses astronomical calculation rather than mathematical rules.[1] but requires consulting an astronomical almanac.
Its years are designated AP, short for Anno Persico. The Iranian year usually begins within a day of 21 March of the Gregorian calendar. To find the corresponding year of the Gregorian calendar, add 621 or 622 (depending on the time of the year) to a Solar Hejri year.
Rafael Arroyo García 2ºB
ReplyDeleteCalendars Mayas:calendario of 260 days it appears in Monte Albán about 600 B.C. This calendar consists of 20 names of days alternating with the numerals of the 1 to 13. The second calendar used by the Maya, the Haab, is formed alternating 18 names of months with the numerals from 0 to 19, which gives a total of 360 days, which are completed with 5 days called Uayeb, without name.
Calendar Romano:Tomaban since it indexes the year of the Foundation of Rome 753 B.C.
Calendar Budista:It starts with Buda's birth in 543 B.C.
ReplyDeleteThe egypcian calenday was born in the third millennium before Jesucristo and is the first solar calendary known in the history. The Papiro Rhind was the first egypcian text that says the 365 days in the egypcian civil year. It was divided into 12 months of 30 days, organizaded in 3 weeks of 10 days. At the end of the last month were added the 5 loose days to complete the year.
The incas calendary is the time measurement system use for incas, in the Cuzco, in the 20 century. It had 12 months of thirty-one days, divided into 3 weeks of 10 days. It was determinated from the observing the sun and the moon. The year, of 3 days, it was divided into 20000 moons of 30212 days.
ReplyDeleteCHINESE: Its origin is associated with the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di), circa 2637 a. C., when it introduced 5 cycles of twelve different animals governed by: Rat, Bull, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The houses are moles or shǔ each of the 28 constellations of the lunar zodiac. Depending on the day and time of birth of the person, the moon will be in one of the lunar mansions, which, according to Chinese astrology, each person determines.
HEBREW: The Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar calendar, that is, based on both the cycle of the Earth around the Sun (year), and in that of the moon to circle the Earth (month). The current version, which governed the Jewish holidays, was completed by the sage Hillel II circa 359. This calendar is based on a complex algorithm that can predict the exact dates of new moon, and the different seasons of the year, based on mathematical and astronomical calculations, apart from the time of the empirical observations that they used before.
ATTIC: The Attic calendar, in force in Athens in classical antiquity, is the most famous Greek calendars. It's kind of lunisolar
MAYAN: The Mayan calendar consists of three different time accounts, which take place simultaneously:
▪ sacred year (tzolkin or bucxok, 260 days)
▪ the calendar (Haab of 365 days)
the long count.
ReplyDeleteThe Athenian year consisted of 12 lunar months. At first, every month had 30 days. Consequently, an adjustment was made with the lunar cycle, alternating one month of 29 days and one of 30 days . This gives a year of 354 days, it means less than 11 days in connection with the solar year. To remedy was inserted a thirteenth month of 30 days after every second lunar month. Each year of 13 months is called "embolístic" precisely the name given month is added (embolístic months).
Finding the year ahead too slow in relation to the lunar cycle, another correction is applied to the V century a. C., the cycle "octaetérico." In this system, the intercalary month is inserted into a cycle of eight years: this period of eight years, has three years of thirteen months, the third, fifth and eighth year.
Other courses have also been considered in the course of history ateneniens .Thus, Meton of Athens under Pericles, puts out a 19 year cycle (see Metonic cycle).Calipo of Cyzicus, in the fourth century C., invents for his part, 76 year cycle.
The Egyptian calendar appears in the early third millennium BC and is the first solar calendar known history. Was in full use in times of Shepseskaf, Pharaoh of DynastyIV. In the Pyramid Texts already mentioned the existence of epagómenos days. The Rhind Papyrus is the first Egyptian text that mentions the 365 days of Egyptian calendar year. It was divided into 12 months of 30 days each, organized in three weeks of 10 days. At the end of last month of each year, adding the five individual days that were missing to complete the solar year, dedicated to the pantheon of Egyptian gods.
The Persian or Iranian calendar Calendar is a solar calendar in which the year begins with the vernal equinox. In March of 2011 began in the Persian calendar 1390. This is the official calendar in Iran and Afghanistan.
This calendar was adopted in 1925 and is considered more accurate than the Gregorian calendar since the Gregorian calendar there is an error of one day every3320 years, while in the Persian calendar appear the same error every 3.5 million years.
The Persian calendar has 31 days to six months, five months with 30 days and the last 29 or 30 days depending on leap or not. The year starts on Nowruz coincides with the March 21 Gregorian calendar. On January 1, 2000 of the Gregorian calendar is the 11 of June, 1378 in the Persian calendar.
The Muslim calendar is a lunar calendar. It is based on lunar cycles of 30 years (360 lunations, Sumerian tradition). The 30-year cycle is divided into 19 years of 354 days and 11 years 355 days. The years of 354 days are called single years and are divided into six months of 30 days and six months of 29 days. The years of 355 days are called leap and are divided into seven months of 30 days and five of 29 days. Years and months will alternate. That is, each equivalent to 33 years 32 years Muslims Gregorian. Collations are made by adding one day to the end of the month of du l-Hijjah in the years 2, 5, 7 º, 10 º, 13 º, 16 º, 18 º, 21 º, 24 º, 26 º and 29 º of each cycle of 30 years.
The origin of this calendar is the opening day of the Hijra, which in the Gregorian calendar corresponds to 16 July 622.
The current Islamic year is 1433, from about November 26, 2011 to November 14, 2012.
Espero que os guste y que esté bien. Saludos.
LUNAR:A lunar calendar is the way to calculate the years not according to the cycles of the Sun (solar calendar, as the Western calendar) but according to the moon. In the lunar calendar, each lunación corresponds to a "lunar month"; that is, each period between two moments in which the Moon lies exactly at the same stage.
ReplyDeleteSOLAR:The solar calendar is the calendar whose days indicate the position of the Earth on its revolution environment to the Sun.
CHINESE: The Chinese calendar is lunisolar. Regular Chinese year consists of 12 lunations (twelve lunar months) which represents between 353 and 355 days. From time to time (more or less, every three years) is sandwiched an embolismal year (a year with 13 lunar months) between 383 and 385 days.
HEBREW: The Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar calendar, i.e., which is based both in the cycle of the earth around the Sun (year) and the moon to surround the Earth (month).
ATHENIAN: The Athenian year was composed of 12 lunar months. Initially, each month had 30 days. As a result, became a fit with the lunar, alternating a month of 29 days and one of 30-day cycle. This gives a year of 354 days, i.e. 11 days less in relation to the solar year.
ReplyDeleteAZTECS: The calendar of the Aztecs was composed of 365 days provides chronological references to the activities of the society as a whole and at the same time, a mystical calendar of 260 days, used to establish horoscopes and predictions. The combination of both produces cycles of 52-year was called Xiuhmopilli.
BAHA'I: The Baha'i calendar is based on the solar year of 365 days, five hours and fifty minutes. Each year is divided into 19 months of 19 days, each with 4 intercalary days (5 if the year is a leap year), called Ayyam-i-Ha. On New Year falls to 21 March in the Gregorian calendar, New Year is celebrated on March 20 after sunset because the Baha'i day begins with the setting sun.
INCA: The Inca calendar is the timing system used by the Incas in Cuzco, to the twentieth century. Consisted of 12 months of thirty days each, divided into three weeks of 10 days. Was determined from observing the Sun and the Moon.
ReplyDeleteMAYAN:They were using a system calendarico when the Sun was crossing the zenith on July 16 and it during 365 days.The Mayan calendar,was very complex, it was the most exact of the acquaintances up to the appearance of the Gregorian calendar in the 16th cent
Azctecs:The Aztecs were using the writing pictográfica recorded in paper or skin of animals that they were applying exclusively for prophecies.
Babylonian: this calendar was wicht the moon.It got 12 months and 30 days They were adding months extras when they needed to support the calendar on line with the stations of the year.
Islamic:Used in almost all the Moslem countries. It dates in that maoma leave Mecca.It had 12 lunar months
ReplyDeleteGoodnight teacher. Here, I send you some ancient calendars I found.
Chinese calendar:
The chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, incorporating elements of the lunar calendar with those of a solar calendar. It is not exclusive in China, but followed in many others Asian cultures.
The earliest evidence of the Chinese calendar is found on the oracle bones of the Shang Dynasty (late second millennium BC)
Maya calendar:
The Maya calendar is a system of calendars used in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, and in many modern communities in highland Guatemala[1] and in Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico[2].
The essentials of the Maya calendar are based upon a system which had been in common use throughout the region, dating back to at least the 5th century BC.
The year in the maya calendar is called Tzolk' in, and it have got 260 days
Ancient Greece calendar:
The Attic calendar is a hellenic calendar that was in use in ancient Attica, the ancestral territory of the Athenian polis. The Attic calendar was an exclusively local phenomenon, used to regulate the internal affairs of the Athenians and with little relevance to the outside world.
The Gregorian calendar: is a calendar originated in Europe, currently used officially almost worldwide. So called because its promoter Pope Gregory XIII, in 1582 came to replace the Julian calendar, used since Julius Caesar introduced in the year 46 a. C.1 The pope promulgated the use of this calendar by the bull Inter gravissimas.
ReplyDeleteThe Chinese calendar ¨:is lunisolar. The ordinary Chinese year consists of 12 lunar months (twelve lunar months) which is between 353 and 355 days. Every so often (about every three years) is sandwiched embolismic one year (one year with 13 lunar months) between 383 and 385 days.
The Hebrew calendar :is a lunisolar calendar, that is, based on both the cycle of the Earth around the Sun (year), and in that of the moon to circle the Earth (month).
The Egyptian calendar:
It was divided into 12 months of 30 days each, organized in three weeks of 10 days. At the end of last month of each year, adding the five individual days (the epagómenos) that were missing to complete the solar year, dedicated to the pantheon of Egyptian gods.
The Gregorian calendar:
ReplyDeleteIt replaced the Julian calendar, has its origins in Europe and it was named after Pope Gregory XIII.
The Chinese calendar:
Chinese year has 12 lunar months and has 355 to 350 days.
The Hebrew Calendar:
Mark the years and months at the time that the earth goes around the sun (years) and the time when the moon goes around the earth (month)
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You have made a great job!!
ReplyDeletePilar Rodríguez Coronado 2º ESO B
ReplyDeleteThe budist calendar is used in Sri Lanka, Camboya, Laos, Tailandia and Birmania and it start with the Buda's born in 543 B.C
The persian calendar start in the spring equinox. Is used in Irán and Afganistán.Its use began in 1925 and it's better than our calendar. It has got 6 months with 31 days, then 5 months with 30 days and the last month has got 29 or 30 days.
The egypcian calendar is the first known solar calendar in the world. It had 12 month with 30 days each one and divided in 3 weeks of 10 days. It had 365 days so, on the last month, there were 5 days dedicated to the gods.
Belén Palma Huelva 2ºESO B
ReplyDeleteThe Chinese calendar is lunisolar,unlike the Western Gregorian calendar that uses the Sun as a reference.
Its origin is associated with the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di), around the year 2637 BC, when it introduced 5 cycles of twelve years governed by distinctive animals: rat, Bull, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, Rooster, dog and pig. The Lunar houses or shǔ are each of the 28 constellations of the lunar Zodiac. Depending on the day and hour of birth of the person, the moon will be in any of the Lunar houses, which, according to Chinese astrology, determines each person.
Some attribute the origin of the traditional Chinese calendar to Xia to civilization it occupied the region during the 22ND century BC, while to others they attribute it directly to the mythical Huangdi, unifier and first emperor of China, who lived in the 3rd century BC.
Historians place its origins in the middle of the Shang (c. 1300 BC) dynasty, when it has first documentary evidence of the use of the cyclical accounts for days.
The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar. It is based on lunar cycles of 30 years (360 lunations of Sumerian tradition). 30 Years of the cycle is divided into 19 years of 354 days and 11 years of 355 days. The years of 354 days are called simple years and are divided into six months of 30 days and another six months of 29 days. The years of 355 days are called you intercalary, and they are divided into seven months of 30 days and another five for 29 days. Years and months are alternating. In other words, each 33 Muslim years equivalent to 32 Gregorian years. The interbedded is made by adding a day at the end of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah in years 2 °, 5 °, 7 °, 10 °, 13 °, 16 °, 18 °, 21 °, 24 °, 26 ° and 29 ° of each cycle of 30 years.
The origin of this calendar is the day of the beginning of the Hegira, corresponding to July 16, 622 in the Gregorian calendar.
The current Islamic year is 1433, approximately from November 26, 2011-November 14, 2012.
The Julian calendar is the predecessor of the Gregorian calendar and is based on the apparent motion of the Sun to measure time. Since its implementation in 46 BC, it was adopted gradually in the countries of Europe and its colonies until the introduction of the Gregorian reform of Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. However, in Orthodox countries remained until the beginning of the 20th century: in Bulgaria until 1917 in Russia until 1918, in Romania until 1919 and Greece until 1923. While the Gregorian calendar is the official in their countries, today the Orthodox churches (except Finland) still used the Julian calendar (or modifications of it different from the calendar) (Gregorian) for the calculation of the date of Easter.
Javier López Fuentes 2ºB
ReplyDeleteNot all calendars use the solar year as a unit. A lunar calendar is one in which days are numbered within each lunar phase cycle. Because the length of the lunar month is not an even fraction of the length of the tropical year, a purely lunar calendar quickly drifts against the seasons, which don't vary much near the equator. It does, however, stay constant with respect to other phenomena, notably tides. An example is the Islamic calendar. Alexander Marshack, in a controversial reading,[3] believed that marks on a bone baton (c. 25,000 BC) represented a lunar calendar. Other marked bones may also represent lunar calendars. Similarly, Michael Rappenglueck believes that marks on a 15,000-year old cave painting represent a lunar calendar
The Roman calendar changed its form several times in the time between the founding of Rome and the fall of the Roman Empire. This article generally discusses the early Roman or 'pre-Julian' calendars. The calendar used after 46 BC is discussed under Julian calendar.
The 260 day count is commonly known to scholars as the Tzolkin, or Tzolk'in in the revised orthography of the Academia de las Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala.The Tzolk'in was combined with a 365-day vague solar year known as the Haab, or Haab year' , to form a synchronized cycle lasting for 52 Haabs, called the Calendar Round. Smaller cycles of 13 days and 20 days were important components of the Tzolk'in and Haab' cycles, respectively. The Calendar Round is still in use by many groups in the Guatemalan highlands
The Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, incorporating elements of a lunar calendar with those of a solar calendar. It is not exclusive to China, but followed by many other Asian cultures as well. In most of East Asia today, the Gregorian calendar is used for day-to-day activities, but the Chinese calendar is still used for marking traditional East Asian holidays such as the Chinese New Year , the Duan Wu festival, and the Mid-Autumn Festival, and in astrology, such as choosing the most auspicious date for a wedding or the opening of a building. Because each month follows one cycle of the moon, it is also used to determine the phases of the moon.2011 was the rabbit´s year.
Sergio Gómez Morales 2º ESO B
ReplyDeleteIn the antiquity many kingdoms and empires elaborated his own calendars bearing in mind important dates for themselves as the birthday of a king or some very important tradition for them
His origin associates with the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di), about 2637 B.C., when it introduced 5 cycles of twelve years been ruled by distinctive animals: Rat, Bull, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pork. The lunar houses or shu are each of 28 constellations of the lunar zodiac. Depending of the day and hour of birth of the person, the moon will be in someone of the lunar houses, which, according to the Chinese astrology, determines every person.
Some of them attribute the origin of the Chinese traditional calendar to the civilization Xia, which was occupying the region during the 22nd century B.C., whereas others attribute it directly to the mythical Huangdi, unifier and the first emperor of the China, who lived in the 3rd century B.C.
The problem for the wise Chinese astronomers was the same that for the rest of the ancient peoples: to try to combine the movements of the moon and of the Sun, cycles always difficult to get on. The Chinese traditional calendar was lunar, but it was causing serious problems to the farmers because there was no way of fixing the stations in him.
The Hebrew calendar is a calendar lunisolar, that is to say, that bases so much on the cycle of the Earth about the Sun (year), since in that of the Moon on having made a detour to the Earth (month).In his complex conception so much solar as spot, the Hebrew calendar is alike the Chinese, without it is known of some influence that has had one on other one.On the other hand, it differs from the Gregorian calendar of wide universal use, based exclusively on the solar - annual cycle.
Ana Isabel Caraballo Gamero
ReplyDelete2 ESO B
The lunar calendar indicate the phases of the moon in it movement around the world. This are the phases of the moon:
new moon, full moon, first quarter and last quarter.
there are 2 types o lunars' calendars:
The inca calendar is a system of measure's time. The villages of cuzco utilized this calendar about the VX century.
This is based on the lunars' phases.
The year, 360 days, is divided in 12 moons. All of this moon have 30 days. The organization mythical-religion determinate
the sucetion in the calendar across of the 12 moons.
The muslim calendar is lunar. The moonths star with the final of the new moon and the appearance of thin thread of moon on the sky.
The arabs called it ''hilal''. It have 12 moonths, 6 of 29 days and 6 of 30 days.All this days are 354 days.
The moon more important of the calendar it's called the ''Ramadán''. In this moonth, the muslin don't eat.This moonth star with the ninth hilal and
finish with when th next hilal appearance.Now, the Eid Al Fitr start and the muslim can eat.
Then,there are other calendars:
the solar calendar indicate the position of the world when it surrounding the sun. A lot of calendars are solar.
This calendar appearance after the gregorian calendar. The julian calendar it's a movement of sun to measure the time.
This calendar appear in the year 46 B.C.